These days, the medium that sends the message is just as important as the message itself.  Choosing the correct medium can determine whether or not you are reaching your target audience most effectively and is also an opportunity to generate buzz about your company’s rightful place on the cutting edge of its industry.
Press releases are certainly still a tried and true method, but as audiences get more segmented and scattered, relying solely on this traditional medium is frequently not enough (plus, imagine how many press releases the news media receives every single day!)
It is critical to know where your audiences are most likely to hear your announcement.  For instance, when J Crew released their new catalog recently, they did it on Pinterest because they know that’s where their primary audience engages with them.
Here are some tips for making newsworthy announcements:

  1. Time your announcement wisely.

Before even beginning to brainstorm on the cool vehicles to use for an announcement, be sure your company is ready for it in the first place.  You get one shot to make a first impression/big splash with the media and with your key audiences, so make sure you are prepared on every level.  Also be certain that the announcement is one that your audience will genuinely care about.

  1. Pick the right platform.

Carefully research the most beneficial platform/medium for making your announcement.  For instance, a B2B company might choose LinkedIn (rather than Facebook).  A tech company with a savvy young audience may release their announcement on Instagram.

  1. Opt for out-of-the-box.

To make your announcement stand out, add some fun and creativity and stay away from predictable gimmicks.  You could spark some mystery with an intriguing billboard, stage an interactive presentation at your tradeshow booth, or integrate trending technology (such as using a pair of Google Glass Explorers) to make your announcement to key audiences.  To judge your strategy’s potential virality, ask yourself if you would be tempted to share it with others?

  1. Generate a conversation.

Before making your newsworthy announcement, make sure that the right eyeballs are primed and excitedly watching for your news.  Offer exclusives to a select group of influential journalists at relevant media outlets with a personalized email.  Also share brief hints of what’s to come on your company’s social media platforms.

  1. Build on the momentum.

For instance, post additional, follow-up information on the company website, release an in-depth demonstration on your YouTube channel, and/or publish a series of behind-the-scenes Instagram videos from your live announcement.
These are just some of the ways in which smart companies are thinking about how to use newsworthy announcements to generate buzz that lasts beyond the announcement itself and that takes full advantage of connecting with their key audiences where they live and breathe.
Cathy Ackermann, founder and president of Ackermann Marketing and PR, may be reached at

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