
Understanding Brand Relationships Is Critical

Understanding Brand Relationships Is Critical

Consumers have always had relationships with brands, but today, more sophisticated tools for analyzing customer data and translating that into a more precise snapshot of who your customers really are and what they want from your company are allowing marketers to...

There’s More to a Brand Than a Logo

There’s More to a Brand Than a Logo

“Branding” has become such a misunderstood and misused word these days. One of the most common reasons why new clients walk in our door is that they want help with branding their company or organization. But when we ask them what they are really trying to accomplish...

Practice of public relations has changed quickly and dramatically

Practice of public relations has changed quickly and dramatically

The definition of what I have done for a living most of my adult life has changed dramatically over the past several years, and it is critical for agencies and corporate communications departments to fully embrace that reality. Public relations firms used to hang...

Communicating in a Crisis

Communicating in a Crisis

I admit it: patience is not my strong suit. As an inherent “fixer,” my automatic response to problems is to immediately go about the business of fixing them. I probably suffer from an over-blown sense of confidence that if I just dig down deeply enough into my “bag of...

Relevance: Today’s Critical Marketing Buzzword

Relevance: Today’s Critical Marketing Buzzword

For the past several years, those in my profession have focused heavily on “trust marketing” as the linchpin of customer engagement and retention. In other words, trust in a particular brand’s authenticity and integrity is the primary driver of that brand’s ultimate...

Referrals: The Obvious Marketing Tool We Sometimes Forget

Referrals: The Obvious Marketing Tool We Sometimes Forget

Most businesses are so busy trying to get new clients or customers on their own that they tend to forget about the importance of utilizing their referral networks. Research shows that referrals are one of the top ways of acquiring leads and new business. Even those...

How to Best Follow Up With Former Customers and Prospects

How to Best Follow Up With Former Customers and Prospects

A challenge for many businesses is how to best pursue your most desirable prospects and/or former customers without being a pest! First, let’s define a “good prospect.” For many companies, this would be a past customer or client. You don’t have to go from “cold to...

Media Training- Who Needs It?

Media Training- Who Needs It?

Most business leaders need to understand – at least at a basic level – how to talk to the news media in both positive and negative situations. Refusing to comment when media attention comes your way is simply not an option. You need to be able to successfully navigate...

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