KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – October 18, 2021 – The Salvation Army of Knoxville is hosting its 8th annual Cup of Hope luncheon to raise awareness for The Joy D. Baker Center, a shelter that serves women and children who have experienced domestic violence. The luncheon will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 26 at Lighthouse Knoxville (6800 Baum Dr. Knoxville, Tenn. 37919) from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“The Cup of Hope luncheon is always a rewarding event because it raises awareness for women and children in our area who need help rebuilding their lives because they’ve been impacted by domestic violence,” said Noreen Norton, Development Director of The Salvation Army of Knoxville. “Those that attend will have the opportunity to be inspired by our guest speaker, a domestic violence survivor who has first-hand knowledge of how The Joy D. Baker Center positively impacted her life and others.”
The Joy D. Baker Center serves women, with or without children, affected by domestic violence and also serves as a shelter for homeless women with children. Safety is a top priority in the monitored, secure facility. In addition to providing housing and meals, the 24-hour staff serve as counselors and liaisons with both the court and the school systems and can assist with job placement or referrals to other agencies.
Individual tickets are still available for purchase.  In addition, this year’s attendees can purchase “Gift of Hope” boxes for $25 or $50 which contain a surprise gift of equivalent or higher value.  The gifts have been generously donated by area businesses.
“As there are so many people in the community who care about what The Joy D. Baker Center provides to women and children in need,” said Norton. “Therefore, we recommend pre-ordering your tickets as soon as possible.”
Event information, event tickets and donations can be made at  Individual tickets for this event are $60.
About The Salvation Army of Knoxville
The Salvation Army provides services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless, and opportunities for underprivileged children. For more information on how you can volunteer your time, visit

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