Integrity Is the Name of the Game

Integrity Is the Name of the Game

What do customers want more than anything else from the people and the companies they choose to do business with?  I believe they want to be associated with and to buy things from people of high integrity. So, what does that really mean?  Integrity means more than...
When Is Competition Good?

When Is Competition Good?

In our business, we spend a lot of time helping companies determine what their competitive differentiators are.  What are their competitive advantages?   How do they position themselves as being different and better than other businesses in their space?  And how do...
Culture is at the Core of Innovation

Culture is at the Core of Innovation

Doing a deep dive into what makes companies tick . . . and grow and thrive . . . is an interesting exercise in human nature. One of the things we are most likely to encounter when we begin working with a company is a strong desire on their part to be more innovative...
Balancing Preparedness & Opportunism

Balancing Preparedness & Opportunism

In our business of marketing and communications especially, we never know when a crisis or an opportunistic moment with a brief shelf life may walk in our door. Advance preparation allows us to more easily compensate for the unexpected. So, if we’ve already checked...
It All Begins With Messaging

It All Begins With Messaging

Effective marketing needs to begin with compelling message creation.  A company can employ just the right mix of outreach strategies and tactics, but if the underlying messages being put forth by those marketing methods are not attention-getting, compelling, and most...
Trust – The Ultimate Marketing Strategy

Trust – The Ultimate Marketing Strategy

As public relations professionals, we frequently find ourselves in the position of assisting our clients in understanding the importance of reputational management and of actualizing and articulating these core values in ways that can positively impact their...