There’s More to a Brand Than a Logo

There’s More to a Brand Than a Logo

“Branding” has become such a misunderstood and misused word these days. One of the most common reasons why new clients walk in our door is that they want help with branding their company or organization. But when we ask them what they are really trying to accomplish...
Media Training- Who Needs It?

Media Training- Who Needs It?

Most business leaders need to understand – at least at a basic level – how to talk to the news media in both positive and negative situations. Refusing to comment when media attention comes your way is simply not an option. You need to be able to successfully navigate...
Improving Your Content Marketing

Improving Your Content Marketing

On-target content is indeed a critical factor in terms of a brand’s ability to capture attention from targeted audiences (and pull it away from competitors). Today’s buyers of products and services want to be informed not only about your organization’s product and...
The Evolution of PR

The Evolution of PR

Having owned a PR firm for decades (YIKES!), it’s been interesting to view the evolution of our profession over time.   Public relations was once pretty much a “one-trick pony.”  Clients came to us to get free editorial coverage, primarily in print (newspapers and...